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왕초보영어 : 일상-집종류(긴장되는 이사견적 II)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 24.

침실 3개가 있는 콘도예요.

엘리베이터는 없지만 1층에 살아요.


Do you live in a single-family home or condominium ?

It is condominium with three bedrooms.

Is there an elevator in the building ?

No, But we live on 1st floor.



M Do you live in a single-family home or a condominium ?

   single-family home = 단독 주택

   My parents live in a single-family home.

   There are many simgle-family home in california.


Z It's condominium with three bedrooms.

   bedroom = 침실, livingroom = 거실

   with (명사) = (명사)를 가진 / (명사)가 있는

   We need a house with two bathrooms.

   She is a girl with courage.



M Is there an elevator in the building.

   Is / Are  there (명사) ? = (명사)가 있나요 ?

   Is there a fire extinguisher in the store.

   Are there restroom in the museum ?


Z No, But We live on the 1st floor.

   live on the (서수) floor = (서수) 층에 살다

   I live on the nine floor.

   The couple lives on the first floor.

   I work on the 10th floor.



Q 우린 20층에 살아

   We live on the 20th floor.