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왕초보영어 : 가정-읽씹(엄마가 자기를 싫어 해서가 아니야)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 17.

왜 그렇게 얘기해 ?  자기 엄청나게 좋아하셔.

아, 절대 신경 쓰지 마.  원래 그러셔.


I don't think your mom likes me.

Why do you say that. She loves you.

She naver responds to my messages.

Oh, don't you warry about that. That's just her.



M I do not think your mam likes me.

   I think She is not mad vs I do not think She is mad.

   I don't think + (평서문) = (평서문)이 아닌 것 같아 / (평서문)이라고 생가하지 않아.

   I don't think he likes math.

   I don't think she pushed him.


Z Why do you say that ? She loves you.

   why (질문 어순) ? = 왜 (질문 어순) 이야 ?

   Why do you work there ?

   Why did she call you ?



M She naver responds to my message.

   message = 메시지 vs massage = 마사지

   respond to (명사) = (명사)에 답하다.

   Don't responds to his massage.

   He finally responded to us.

   response = 응답


Z Oh, don't you warry about that. Tha's just her.

   Don't you (동사원형) = 절대 (동사원형) 하지 마.

   Don't you touch my car !

   Don't you eat my cake !



Q 내 커피 절대 마시지 마!

   Don't you drink my coffee !