왕초보영어(제2408회) : 가정-우리 형 최고
그네 탈래?
그래 ! 나 먼저 밀어줄 거야?
그래. 이거 타고 미끄럼틀 타자 !
형은 최고 멋진 형이야 !
Do you want to swing on the swings?
Yeah ! Will you push me first?
Sure. Let's go down the slide after this !
You are the coolest brother ever !
M Do you want to swing on the swings?
swing = 흔들다 / 휘두르다 > swung > swung
Swing on the swing = 그네를 타다.
She is swinging on the swing.
Let's swing on the swings.
Z Yeah ! Will you push me first?
push = 밀다
Will you (동사원형)? = 너 (동사원형) 할 거야?
Will you marry me?
Will you help us?
will you > would you
M Sure. Let's go down the slide after this.
slide = 미끄럼틀
Go down the slide = 미끄럼틀을 타다
Should we go down the slide?
Can we go down the slide?
after this = 이것 후에 / 이거 마치고
after school, after work
Z You are the coolest borther ever !
cool = 멋진 / 좋은
The (최상급 형용사) (명사) ever = 여태껏 최고의 (명사)
You are the coolest teacher ever !
Seulgi is the cutest girl ever !
Q 우리 그네 타는 게 어때?
Why don't we swing on the swings?
* More expressions
Will (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야 / 할게 / 할래 / 할 것이다.
Will you (동사원형)? = 너 (동사원형) 할 거야?
It's a long story. I'll tell you later.
It's a long story. > The story is long.
I will tell your parents.
I will be a dancer !
I'll order jajangmyeon instead.
instead = 그 대신에
I will bring another chair.
We will pay now.
That's okay, I'll just eat them.
eat = 먹다 > ate > eaten
I will just come back later.
We will be inside.
I will bring you a chair.
Ok, Honey. I will ask Dad.
ask = ~에게 물어보다 / 물어보다
I will ask my English teacher.
I will bring you a spoon.
I will ask my grandpa.
I will, Sir ! I will !
I will call you tonight.
I will fax it to you.
I will pick you up.
Yeah ! Will you push me first?
push = 밀다
Will you marry me?
Will you help us?
will you > would you
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