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왕초보영어(제2409회) : 일상-이미 답은 정해져 있다

by 가나다미 2025. 3. 11.

저녁 요리할 기분이 아니네.

피자나 뭐 그런 거 주문할까?

자기가 결정해.  난 뭐든 괜찮아.

괜찮지 않잖아.  내가 널 알거든.


I don't feel like cooking dinner.

Do you want to order pizza or something?

You decide. I am okay with anything.

No, You are not.  I know you.



M I don't feel like cooking dinner.

   cook = 요리하다 / 요리사

   cooker = 요리하는 기계 / 조리 기계

   Feel like (~ing) = (~ing)할 기분이다 / 하고 싶은 기분이다.

   I feel like going out.

   I don't feel like eating.

   I felt like crying.

   dinner = 저녁  vs  diner = 캐주얼한 식당


Z Do you want to order pizza or something?

   order = 주문하다

   Or something = 뭐 그런 것

   Do you have a pen or something?

   Are you tired or something?



M You decide.  I'am okay with anything.

   decide = 결정하다  vs  decision = 결정

   Be okay + with (명사) = (명사)가 괜찮다.

   I'm okay with that color.

   Are you okay with the design?


Z No, You're not. I know you.

   No, You're not -> No, You're not okay.

   Not (형용사) = (형용사) 하지 않은

   You're not okay.

   She is not sick.


Q 나 책 읽고 싶은 기분이야

   I feel like reading a book.



*  More expressions


Feel like (~ing) = (~ing)할 기분이다 / 하고 싶은 기분이다.

I don't feel like tipping the waiter.

   tip = (동사) 팁을 주다

I feel like going outside.

I don't feel like eating.

I felt like crying.

   feel like < want to

I feel like going for a walk.

   go for a walk = 산책하다 = take a walk

Don't you feel like eating something?

I feel like taking a nap.

I don't feel like cooking dinner.

   cook = 요리하다 / 요리사

   cooker = 요리하는 기계 / 조리 기계

I feel like going out.

I don't feel like eating.

I felt like crying.

   dinner = 저녁  vs  diner = 캐주얼한 식당

I feel like reading a book.


Be okay + with (명사) = (명사)가 괜찮다.

I hope he's okay with that.

   okay = 네 / 응 / 좋아 / 괜찮은

I am okay with a window seat.

Are you okay with that?

You decide.  I'am okay with anything.

   decide = 결정하다  vs  decision = 결정

I'm okay with that color.

Are you okay with the design?