Jackson 교수님 수업에서 퀴즈 망쳤어.
말했잖아 ! 어려운 수업이라고.
수업 낙제하지 않으면 좋겠네.
아마 낙제할 거야
I bombed the quiz in Mr. Jackson's class
I told you ! It's a tough class.
I hope I didn't fuunk it.
You probable will. man.
M I bombed the quiz in Mr. Jackson's class.
quiz = 간단한 시험 / 쪽지 시험 / 퀴즈
bomb = 망치다 / 폭탄 / 낙제하다 <=> ace
Bomb (명사) = (명사)를 망치다
I bombed the physics test.
She bombed the English test again.
Mr. Jackson or Professor Jackson?
Z I told you ! It's a tough class.
tough = 힘든 / 어려운
I told you ! = 말했잖아 ! / 내가 그랬지 !
= What did I tell you?
I told you ! She is really mean !
I told you ! English is easy.
M I hope I don't flunk it.
flunk = 낙제하다 = fail
I hope + (평서문) = (평서문) 이길 바라. / (평서문) 이면 좋겠어.
I hope you enjoy the show.
I hope your son is okay.
Z You probably will, man.
probably = 아마도 vs maybe = 어쩌면
Will (동사원형) = (동사원형)할 것이다
Q 네가 A를 받으면 좋겠어.
I hope you get an A.
* More expressions
Bomb (명사) = (명사)를 망치다 <=> ace = nail = 아주 잘하다.
Gosh, I bombed the physics test again.
physics = 물리학, biology = 생물학, geography = 지리학
I bombed the geography test.
I bombed the audition.
<=> I aced the English test.
I bombed the mathematics test again.
I bombed the quiz in Mr. Jackson's class.
quiz = 간단한 시험 / 쪽지 시험 / 퀴즈
bomb = 망치다 / 폭탄 / 낙제하다 <=> ace
I bombed the physics test.
She bombed the English test again.
Mr. Jackson or Professor Jackson?
Hope (평서문:현재형) = (평서문) 이길 바라 / 이면 좋겠어
I Hope + (평서문) = (평서문) 이면 좋겠어 / (평서문) 이길 바래.
Oh, I hope it is not too serious.
I hope she is not sick.
I hope Perry remembers me.
I hope Eddie is Okay.
I hope you get better soon.
I hope you come back soon.
I hope you are happy.
I hope that one's not full.
I hope it is not expensive.
I hope she is here.
I hope we can get a refund.
get a refund = 환불을 받다. get a full refune = 전액 환불받다.
give someone a refund = 환불을 해주다.
I hope you pass the test.
I hope it doesn't rain.
I do. I hop he comes back safely.
safely = (부사) 안전하게 / 무사히 = safe and sound
I hope you come back soon.
I hope everything is okay.
I hope they call me.
I hope I don't flunk it.
flunk = 낙제하다 = fail
I hope you enjoy the show.
I hope your son is okay.
I hope you get an A.
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