이 당근들은 왜 이렇게 비싸죠?
유기농 당근이에요. 그래서 그래요.
일반 채소 섹션은 어디예요?
저기 뒤에 있습니다.
Why are these carrots so expensive?
They are organic carrots. That's why.
Where is the regular veggie section?
It is at the back over there.
M Why are these carrots so expensive?
carrot = 당근, cucumber = 오이
expensive = 비싼 <=> inexpensive = 비싸지 않은
Why (질문 어순)? = 왜 (질문 어순) 이죠?
Why is this so cheap?
Why are you angry?
Z They are organic carrots. That's why.
organic = 유기농인
That's why. = 그래서 그래.
She is beautifl. That's why.
I am hungry. That's why.
M Where's the regular veggie section?
regular = 일반의 / 보통의
veggie = 채소 = vegetable, fruit = 과일
Where is/are (명사)? = (명사)는 어디예요?
Where is the gas station?
Where is the man's room?
Z It's at the back over there.
over there = 저기에 <=> over here = 여기에
At the Back = 뒤에 / 뒤에 있는
The veggie section is at the back.
The fitting room is at the back.
Q 너 왜 피곤해?
Why are you tired?
* More expressions
Why (질문 어순)? = 왜 (질문 어순) 이야 / 이죠?
Why am i so sad?
Why are you mad?
why = 왜 vs how come = 어째서
Why are you still awake? vs How come you are still awake?
Why are you studying English?
Why are you so selfish?
Why are you so pretty?
Why are you still awake? It's 11.
awake = (형) 깨어있는 vs wake = (동) 깨어있다
asleep = 잠들어 있는
Why aren't you wearing your seat belt?
Why aren't you eating?
Why can't you come?
Why do you say that? She loves you.
Why do you work there?
Why do you hate Jessica?
Why do you ask me that?
Why did she call you?
Why did you call me?
Why did you call my girlfriend?
Why did you wake up me?
Why did you pinch me?
Why did you miss today's class?
miss = 놓치다 / (수업 등에) 빠지다
Why did you leave early?
Why do you say that?
Why did you call me?
Why do you hate me?
vs Why did you say like that? = 왜 그런 식으로 말을 해?
Why did you dump your boyfriend?
dump = 버리다 / 차 버리다 vs kick = 발로 차다
Why did you cry?
Why do you still work here?
Why are these carrots so expensive?
carrot = 당근, cucumber = 오이
expensive = 비싼 <=> inexpensive = 비싸지 않은
Why is this so cheap?
Why are you angry?
Why are you tired?
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