왜 말도 없이 그만뒀어?
그냥 일이 지긋지긋했어.
공감해. 언제 한번 같이 점심 먹자고.
그래. 언제든 연락해.
Why did you quit without a word?
I was just tired of my job.
I hear you. Let's have lunch together sometime.
Sure. Call me anytime.
M Why did you quit without a word?
quit = 그만두다 > stop
quit / quiz / queen / question / q 발음
with vs without = ~ 없이
Without a word = 말도 없이 < without a single word = 한마디 말도 없이
My boss quit without a word.
She left without a word.
Z I was just tired of my job.
job = 일 / 일자리 / 직업
Be tired + of (명사 / ~ing) = (명사 / ~ing)가 지긋지긋하다
< be sick of
He is tired of his job.
I am tired of your jokes.
I am tired of working.
M I hear you. Let's have lunch together sometime.
sometime = 언젠가 / 언제 한번 vs sometimes = 가끔씩
i hear you = 공감해
Have lunch = 점심을 먹다
I had lunch with my Mayu.
Did you have lunch?
I already had dinner = I had dinner already
I had a romantic dinner.
Z Sure. Call me anytime.
anytime = 언제든 / 아무 때나 vs everytime = 매번
Sure = 그래 / 그럼 / 물론이야 = of course
Sure. Let me just finish this.
Sure. I can help you.
Q 난 피터와 점심 먹었어.
I had lunch with Peter.
* More expressions
Without (명사) = (명사) 없이
How could you eat without me?
Whitout you.
Without my help.
Without a word = 말도 없이 < without a single word = 한마디 말도 없이
Why did you quit without a word?
quit = 그만두다 > stop
quit / quiz / queen / question / q 발음
with vs without = ~ 없이
My boss quit without a word.
She left without a word.
Sure = 그래 / 그럼 / 물론이야 = of course
Sure. Call me anytime.
anytime = 언제든 / 아무 때나 vs everytime = 매번
Sure. Let me just finish this.
Sure. I can help you.
Sure //
Are you sure + (평서문)? = (평서문)인 거 확실해?
Um... Are you sure this is me?
yes, I'm suer this is you.
Are you sure she knew your name?
Are you sure this is right address?
Sure //
I am sure + (평서문) = 분명 (평서문) 일거야
It's just his style. I'm sure he loves you.
I'm sure he is okay.
I'm sure she is not mad.
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