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왕초보영어(제2384회) : 일상-왜 자네가 부러운 거지?

by 가나다미 2025. 2. 6.

퇴근 후에 한잔 어때?

못해. 오늘 우리 아내 생일이야.

그냥 나 혼자 마실 것 같네.

자네가 약간 부럽구만.


How about a drink after work?

I can't. It's my wife's birthday today.

I guess I'll just drink by myself.

I kind of envy you.



M How about a drink after work?

   drink = 음료 / 술, alcoholic beverages = 알코올음료

   After work = 퇴근 후에

   How about (명사) = (명사)는 어때?

   How about Friday?

   How about my cousin Alison?


Z I can't. It's my wife's birthday today.

   It's (날 / 날짜 / 요일) = (날 / 날짜 / 요일) 이야

   It's my husband's birthday today.

   It's Childrens Day.

   Is it Friday today?



M I guess I'll just drink by myself.

   drink = 마시다

   Do you want to grab a drink?

   grab a drink = 한잔 하다

   Would you like a drink?

   By oneself = 혼자 / 스스로

   Are you here by yourself?

   I just ate by myself.

   I guess (평서문) = (평서문) 일 것 같네

   I guess I'll have to wait.

   I guess you don't like sea food.


Z I kind of envy you.

   envy = 부러워하다 vs   jealous = 질투하는

   I envy you  vs  I'm jealous of you.

   kind of = 약간 / 좀 = sort of

   I kind of like it.

   She is kind of mean.

   I sort of want to go, but I'm too tired.


Q 내일은 토요일이야

   It's Saturday tomorrow.



*  More expressions


How about (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

That sounds interesting. How about physics?

   physics[fiziks] = 물리학,  biology[baialedzi] = 생물학

How about roses?

How about Thursday?

How about next week friday?

How about Hajoon?  It's a good name.

How about Sebastian?

How about Friday afternoom?

How about a drink after work?

   drink = 음료 / 술, alcoholic beverages = 알코올음료

   After work = 퇴근 후에

How about Friday?

How about my cousin Alison?


Guess (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보내 / (평서문) 인가보내

I Guess + (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보네.

I guess you are doing it on valentine's Day.

I guess you are planning to trip in luner holiday.

I guess golbal warming is really becoming serious.

   become = ~가 되다

I guess the situation is really bad.

I guess you are not interested.

I guess It's not an easy decision.

   decision = 결정,  decide = 결정하다

I guess She is not lying.

I guess I am not your type.

I guess you don't want to eat ice cream.

I guess you don't love me.

I guess Mayu is busy.

I guess I'll just drink by myself.

   drink = 마시다

I guess I'll have to wait.

I guess you don't like sea food.


Kind of = 좀 / 약간 / 뭐, 대충 / 좀, / 대충, / 그런 셈이죠.

kind of (형용사) = 약간 / 좀 (형용사) 한 = sort of

Thank you so much. I am kind of excited.

I'm kind of sad.

It's kind of weird.

I'm kind of mad.

I'm kind of tired.

Kind of. She was my boss.

I know him. Kind of...

Oh, Kind of. I was her boyfrien

I know. I'm kind of scared.

   scared = 겁먹은 / 무서워하는 vs scary = 무서운

You are kind of annoying.

Jack is kind of weird.

Well, You are kind of lazy.

   well = 음 / 뭐

She is kind of annoying.

This is kind of confusing.

I'm kind of hungry.

Yeah. He was kind of rude

   rude = 의도적인 > impolite = 몰르는 경우

I was kind of disappointed.

They were kind of late.

Can you help?  I'm kind of lost.

   lost = 길을 잃은

I am kinf of excited.

The exam was kind of tough.

I kind of like her.

I kind of envy you.

   envy = 부러워하다 vs   jealous = 질투하는

I envy you  vs  I'm jealous of you.

I kind of like it.

She is kind of mean.

I sort of want to go, but I'm too tire.