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왕초보영어 : 가정-우리에겐 온라인 주문이 있지

by 가나다미 2024. 8. 19.

슈퍼마켓 들를 수 있어요?

그럼요. 뭐가 필요해요?

우리 물 하고 키친타월이 좀 필요해요.

그냥 온라인으로 주문할게요.


Can you stop by the supermarket?

Sure. What do you need?

We need some water and paper towels.

I'll just order them online.



M Can you stop by the supermarket?

   stop by (명사:장소) = (명사:장소)에 들러다

   by = 근처에

   Stop by somewhere.

   Stop by my office !

   I stopped by the showroom.

   stop by = (계획이 된)  vs  drop by = (사전 계획 없이)


Z Sure. What do you need?

   what + do you (동사원형) = 넌 무엇을 (동사원형) 하니?

   = what does she (동사원형)

   What do you do?

   What do you want to do?

   What does she need?



M We need some water and paper towels.

   paper towel = 키친타월

   and = 그리고 / ~하고

   I need a pen and an eraser.

   I live in seoul and Jake lives in Jeju.


Z I'll just order them online.

   order = 주문하다.

   them = some waer and paper towels

   online = 온라인으로 / 온라인에서(전치사 불필요)


Q 내일 아침에 내 사무실에 들러

   Stop by my office tomorrow morning.



*  More expressions


Stop (~ing) = 그만 (~ing) 하다 / (~ing) 하는걸 멈추다

OK. OK. Just stop talking to me.

Stop muttering.

I can't stop dancing.

Stop calling me Jenny. I'm Jenna !

   call = 부르다

   don't sing  vs  stop singing

Stop calling me mister Eugene.

He stopped snoring.


Stop by (장소명사) = (장소명사)에 들러다

Can you stop by the supermarket?

   by = 근처에

Stop by somewhere.

Stop by my office !

I stopped by the showroom.

   stop by = (계획이 된)  vs  drop by = (사전 계획 없이)

Stop by my office in the tomorrow morning.


And = ~랑 / ~하고 / 그리고

And // (주어) and I = (주어) 와 나

My wife and I are really starving.

Peter and I are good friends.

You and I are destiny.

She and I are coworkers.

Can i have a tomato soup and a hot coffee?

   soup = 수프

I need a fork and a spoon.

I have a boy and a girl.

I need an orange and an apple.

We need some water and paper towels.

   paper towel = 키친타월

I need a pen and an eraser.

I live in seoul and Jake lives in Jeju.