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왕초보영어 : 여행-준비성 없는 너 때문에

by 가나다미 2024. 8. 16.

오, 맙소사 !  여권이 다음 주에 만료되네 !

뭐?  우리 필리핀 여행은 어쩌고?

5일밖에 안 남았는데 !

온라인으로 갱신할 수 있을지도 몰라.


Oh, my God !  My passport is expiring next week.

What?  What about our trip to the Philippines?

It's only 5 days away !

Maybe I can renew it online.



M Oh, my God !  My passport is expiring next week !

   expire = (동) 만료되다 

   expiration date = 만료날짜 / 만기일

   next week = (부) 다음 주에

   They are coming back next week.

   My boss is retiring next week.


Z What?  What about our trip to the philippines?

   what about + (명사) = (명사)는 어쩌고

   What about us?

   What about your career?

   What about me? = 나는 어떻게 해(질문)? vs How about me? = 나는 어때(제안)?



Z It's only 5 days away !

   (기간) away = (기간) 남은

   The contest is a week away.

   Our wedding is only 2 months away.


M Maybe I can renew it online.

   renew = (동) 갱신하다 

   renewal = (명) 갱신

   probably > maybe

   online = 온라인으로


Q 그 시험 3일 남았어

   The exam is 3 days away.



*  More expressions


Next door = 옆집에 / 옆집으로

A young couple moved in next door.

   move in = 이사 들어가다 <=> move out = 이사 나가다

A girl lives next door.

The singer moved in next door.


Next to (명사) = (명사)의 옆에

Oh, Yes ! Come on, Kid !  Stand next to Peter Man.

Stand next to the statue.

I was standing next to the door.

   come on ! = 어서 ! / 왜 이래 !


Next time = 다음번에

Next time, ask Mammy. Ok?

   ask = ~에게 물어보다 / ~에게 부탁하다

I will give it to you next time.

Help me out next time.


Next year = 내년에 / 다음 해에

Next week = (부) 다음 주에

I will. I should act fast next year.

I will see you guys next year !

He got married the next year.

Oh, my God !  My passport is expiring next week !

   expire = (동) 만료되다 

   expiration date = 만료날짜 / 만기일

They are coming back next week.

My boss is retiring next week.


What about you ? = 넌 어때?

What about you? Do you remember yours?

What about you do you agree?

What about you do you remember him?


What about + (명사) = (명사)는 어쩌고

What?  What about our trip to the philippines?

What about us?

What about your career?

What about me? = 나는 어떻게 해(질문)?


Away //

(기간) away = (기간)이 남은, 떨어져 있는

a weeks away = 일주일 남은

God !   Christmas is only 4 days away !

The seminar is a week away.

Our anniversary only three days away

My birthday is only 2 days away from now.

It's only 5 days away !

The contest is a week away.

Our wedding is only 2 months away.

The test is 3 days away.