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왕초보영어 : 직업-결석(요가 수업 일부러 빠진 게 아니야)

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 10.

완전 제 스케줄을 헤갈렸어요.

꼭 갈게요.


Why did you miss today's class?

I totally mixed up my schedule.

Please don't forget to come to tomorrow's class.

I will make sure to come.



M Why did you miss today's class?

   why (질문어순) ? = 왜 (질문어순) 이죠?

   miss = 놓치다 / (수업 등에) 빠지다

   Why did you leave early?

   Why am i so sad?


Z I totally mixed up my schedule.

   mix up (명사) = (명사)를 헤깔리다.

   I mixed up the names.

   She mixed up the dates.

   mix-up = (명사) 혼돈

   totally = 완전히



M Please don't forget to come to tomorrow's class.

   forget > forgot > forgotten

   forget + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하는 걸 잊다.

   I forgot to close the valve.

   Don't forgot to bring your keys.


Z I will make sure to come.

   come = 오다(대화 주체에게 가까이 가다)

   make sure + to (동사원형) = 꼭 (동사원형) 하다

   Make sure to review it.

   I will make sure to send it to you.


Q 그 물을 꼭 끓여

   Make sure to boil the water.



 *  More expressions


Why (질문 어순) ? = 왜 (질문 어순) 이야 / 이죠 ?

Why am i so sad?

Why are you mad?

   why = 왜  vs  how come = 어째서

Why are you still awake?  vs  How come you are still awake?

Why are you studying English ?

Why are you so selfish?

Why are you so pretty?

Why are you still awake? It's 11.

   awake = (형) 깨어있는 vs wake = (동) 깨어있다

   asleep = 잠들어 있는

Why aren't you wearing your seat belt ?

Why aren't you eating ?

Why can't you come?

Why do you say that?  She loves you.

Why do you work there?

Why do you hate Jessica ?

Why do you ask me that?

Why did she call you ?

Why did you call me?

Why did you call my girlfriend?

Why did you wake up me?

Why did you pinch me?

Why did you miss today's class?

   miss = 놓치다 / (수업 등에) 빠지다

Why did you leave early?


Forget (명사) + at home = (명사)를 집에 두고 가다 / 오다

Oh, She forgot her phone at home.

   forget = 잊다 > forgot > forgotten

I forgot my bag at home.

She forgot her cellphone at home.

Are you forget your Umbrella at home?


Forget + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하는 걸 잊다.

Please don't forget to come to tomorrow's class.

   forget > forgot > forgotten

I forgot to close the valve.

Don't forgot to bring your keys.