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왕초보영어 : 직업-용달견적(가구 용달 서비스)

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 3.

퀸 사이즈 침대 옮기는 데 얼마죠?

Wayne이요. 건물 내에 엘리베이터가 있어요.


How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?

Where is it going?

In Wayne. There's an elevator in the building.

That would be $70.



M How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?

   how much is/was it + to (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하는 데 얼마죠?

   How much is it to wash my car?

   How much is it to get a haircut?

   How much was it to move it?


Z Where is it going?

   where + (질문어순) ? = 어디로/어디에/어디에서 (질문어순) 이죠?

   Where do your parents live?

   Where did you go to school?



M To Wayne. There's an elevator in the building.

   there is/are (명사) = (명사)가 있어요.

   There is a man in the room.

   There are girls in the classroom.

   Is there an elevator in the building?


Z That would be $70.

   that = 그것(바로전에 언급한 것을 지칭) / 저것

   that would be (가격) = (가격) 되겠습니다.

   That would be $150.

   That would be $15.99.


Q 건물 안에 사람들이 있어.

   There are people in the building.



 *  More expressions


How much is/was it to (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하는데 얼마예요?

How much is it to borrow a wheelchair?

   borrow = 빌리다  vs  lend = 빌려주다

How much is it to get a haircut?

How much is it to borrow this coffee machine?

How much is it to use this copier?

How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?

How much is it to wash my car?

How much was it to move it?


How much is/are (명사) ? = (명사)는 얼마예요 ?

How much is praking here.

How much are these socks ?

How much is everything ?

How much are these earrings ?

Parking lot = 주차장,  Parking sopt = 주차 자리


Where were you (~ing) = 어디에 / 어디에서

Where were you sitting, Sir

Where were you hiding?

Where were you sellping?


There is/are (명사/복수명사) = (명사/복수명사)가/들이 있어/있어요.

To Wayne. There's an elevator in the building.

There is a man in the room.

There are girls in the classroom.

Is there an elevator in the building?

There are people in the building.

Sure. There are so many shops around the beach.

There are so many people at the beach.

There are drinks on the table.


There //

Is / Are there (명사)? = (명사)가 있나요?

Is there a restroom in the building?

restroom(집 밖에) = bathroom(집 안에) = toilet(미국 변기) = loo(영국)

Is there an elevator in the building?

Is there a restroom in the store?

Are there animals in the building?

Is there a question?

Are there restroom in the museum?

Is there a fire extinguisher in the building?


That day = 그날 / 그날에

I'm not sure. I have an exam that day.

   test(포괄적 시험)  > exam(특별한 시험 : 모의고사 / 학력고사...)

I was in Toronto that day.

I have an interview that day.


That (형용사) = 그렇게 (형용사) 한

Oh, Do i look that young?

Am i that short?

Do i look that tired?


That would be (가격) = (가격) 되겠습니다.

That would be $70.

   that = 그것(바로전에 언급한 것을 지칭) / 저것

That would be $150.

That would be $15.99.