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왕초보영어 : 가정-큰집(무거워지는 부모님의 어깨)

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 1.

아이들이 빠르게 자라고 있어요.

우리 더 큰 아파트로 이사해야겠어요.


The kids are growing up fast.

We should move to a bigger apartment.

Let me go to the bank tomorrow.

I need to get another loan.



M The kids are growing up fast.

   fast = 빠르게 / 빨리 vs fastly(x) <=> slowly

   grow = 자라나다 > grew > grown

   grow up = 자라다 / 성장하다.

   My baby is growing up fast.

   I grew up in Phoenix.


M We should move to a bigger apartment.

   should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다 / 하는 게 좋겠다.

   We should meet up more often.

   You should lie down.



Z Let me go to the bank tomorrow.

   go to the bank = 은행에 가다

   I have to go to the bank.

   I couldn't go to the bank.

   let me = 부더러운 표현  vs  i will = 강한 의지


Z I need to get another loan.

   get a loan = 대출을 받다.

   You don't have to get a loan.

   I got a loan for a new car.

   need to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 필요가 있다 => 해야 한다.

   I need to get a haircut.

   You need to lose weight.


Q 우리 쉬어야겠어

   We should get some rest.



 *  More expressions


Should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다 / 하는 게 좋겠다

Should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 거야

Should (동사원형) = 아마 (동사원형) 할 것이다

Thanks !  I think I should run.

   run > ran > run

I should go.

We should be careful.

Yeah. That should do it.

   that should do it = that will do it = that will do.

   do = 충분한

He should know the answer.

It should work.

It should be easy.

She should have some cash.

Check out aisle #3. They should be there.

   aisle[ail] = 통로

   check out = 살펴보다

The money should be safe.

He should know the answer.

We should move to a bigger apartment.

We should meet up more often.

You should lie down.

We should get some rest.


Need to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 필요가 있다 / 해야 한다.

have to > need to

I need to wash my car.  It's so dirty.

You need to study English.

We need to focus.

We need to eat more vegetables.

I need to try harder.

You need to visit us again.

Oh, do you need to go to the bathroom ?

You need to lose your weight.

You need to have confidence.

Do i need to learn grammar?

I need to get another loan.

   get a loan = 대출을 받다.

I need to get a haircut.

You need to lose weight.


Get a flat tire = have a flat tire = 펑크 나다

Hello. I just got a flat tire.

She got a flat tire.

I got a flat tire on a highway.


Get a haircut = 머리 자르다

I'd like to get a haircut, please.

I got a haircut here.

You should get a haircut.

Did you get a haircut?


Get a loan = 대출을 받다.

I need to get another loan.

You don't have to get a loan.

I got a loan for a new car.


Get a trim = (머리를) 다듬다

I just want to get a trim. That's all.

I just got a trim.

How much is it to get a trim?


Get an estimate (for) = 견적

Can i get an estimate for moving ?

I already got an estimate.

We need to get an estimate.

Did you got an estimate ?


Get back + with (목적어) = (목적어)와 재회하다.

I want to get back with you. I need you.

  Get back with= reunite with(격식이 있는 재회..) <=> break up with = ~와 헤어지다

   get(움직임), get out, get in...

   get back + to (목적어) = (목적어)로 돌아가다

Get back to work

Get back to home.


Get better = 낫다 / (병에서) 회복하다 = get back on one's feet.

I hope you get better soon.

I am getting better.

You will get better.

Are you getting better?

Do you get better?


Get close = 가까워지다

Get closer + to (명사) = (명사) 에 더 가까이 가다

Should we get closer to take some pictures ?

   picture = photo = 사진

Let's get closer to the fance.

I got closer to the animals.


Get down on one knee = (한쪽) 무릎을 꿇다.

Yes, He got down on one knee and popped the question !

The knight got down on one knee !

Got down on one knee and ask her !


Get dressed = 옷을 입다 vs put on = 입다(대상 여러 가지)

Let me just go and get dressed.

I will go and get dressed.

Get dressed already. = 어서 옷 좀 입어.


Get in an accident = 사고가 나다

Man...My brother got in an accident.

I got in an accident.

My friend got in an accident yesterday.

Did you got in an accident ? 


Get married = (동사) 결혼하다 > got married

So many people get married in April.

   marry(~와 결혼하다)  vs  get married(결혼자체 / 상태)

Well, More people get married in May.

I want to get married in December.

I want to get married in spring.


Get off work = 퇴근하다 < = > Go to work = 출근하다

I might get off work late that day.

We got off work early.

What time do you get off work ?

I got off work in 8 O'clock.


Get (명사) ready = (명사)를 준비해 두다.

Yeah !  Get your camera ready !

Get your passport ready !

Get your boarding pass ready !


Get some fresh air = 신선한 공기를 좀 쐬다.

I just want to get some fresh air.

Go and get some fresh air.

Elsa wanted to get some fresh air.