오, 이런. 피가 나네. 어떻게 된 거니?
다음번엔 엄마한테 부탁해. 알겠지?
Mommy, I cut my finger.
Oh, No. You're bleeding. What happened?
I tried to peel the apple myself.
Next time, ask Mammy. Ok?
M Mommy, I cut my finger.
finger = 손가락 vs toe = 발가락
cut > cut > cut
cut one's finger = ~의 손가락을 베다.
cut off = 완전히 분리되다
Mark cut his finger again.
Did you cut your finger?
Z Oh, No. You're bleeding. What happened?
bleed = (동사) 피를 흘리다 vs blood = (명사) 피
what (동사) ? = 뭐가 (동사) 하니?
What will happen?
What caused it?
M I tried to peel the apple myself.
peel = (동사) 껍질을 벗기다 / 깎다 / (명사) 껍질
try + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하려고 노력하다.
I'm trying to focus.
Annie tried to lose weight.
Z Next time, ask Mammy. Ok?
ask = ~에게 물어보다 / ~에게 부탁하다
next time = 다음번에
I will give it to you next time.
Help me out next time.
Q 너에게 무슨 일이 벌어진 거니?
What happened to you?
* More expressions
what //
What (동사) ? = 뭐가 (동사) 하니?
Oh, No. You're bleeding. What happened?
bleed = (동사) 피를 흘리다 vs blood = (명사) 피
What will happen?
What caused it?
What happened to you?
What (명사) ? = 무슨 (명사)를 ?
What game are you playing, Peter ?
What program are you watching ?
What color do you want ?
play = 게임 / 스포츠를 하다, Play a video game / Play soccer.
What (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사)한 (명사) 네 !
What a fancy car? It looks expensive !
expensive = 비싼 <=> cheap = 저렴한
What a weird dream !
What depressing weather !
What a great idea !
What (질문어순) ? = 무엇을 (질문어순) 이니?
What do you do there?
What did you see there?
What can i do?
What's up = 무슨 일이야(up=뭔가 벌어지고 있는일) = what's wrong = what's happening
What's up, honey ?
You look upset, What's up ?
What's up ? Are you okay ?
What are you (~ing) = 넌 뭘 (~ing) 해
What are you doing tomorrow ?
What are you doing on Friday ?
What are you watching with her ?
What are you doing tonight ?
What 관사 (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사)한 (명사)네
What a cute dog ! Is that a boy or a girl ?
cute = adorable = 귀여운
What a gorgeous day !
What an interesting story !
What do you look for + in (명사) = (명사)에게서 뭘 중요하게 생각하니? / 어떤 점을 보니?
What do you look for in a guy?
What do you look for in a girl?
What do you look for in a smartphone?
What do you mean? = 무슨 말이야?
What do you mean? You have so many clothes.
What do you mean? Are you sick?
What do you mean? You are handsome !
what do you mean? = what are you talking about? = what are you saying?
What do you think + about (명사)? = (명사)에 대해 어떻게 생각해?
What do you think about international marriages?
marriage = 결혼 생활 vs wedding = 결혼식
What do you think about me?
What do you think about our English program?
What if (평서문) = (평서문)이면 어떡해? / 어떡할 거야?
What if she is not there?
What if he has no money?
What if he want to live in America?
What time (질문어순)? = 명시에 (질문어순)이니?
What time should we neet you?
when = 날짜 / 시간 vs what time = 시간
What time do you go to work?
What time can you come?
When did you arrive?
What time did you get up?
TRY //
Try + to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하려고 노력하다
I know. I should try to understand.
i know = 내 말이
understand > understood > understood
I am trying to succeed.
Sandy tried to lock the door.
I tried to lose weight.
I tried to peel the apple myself.
peel = (동사) 껍질을 벗기다 / 깎다 / (명사) 껍질
I'm trying to focus.
Annie tried to lose weight.
Next time = 다음번에
Next time, ask Mammy. Ok?
ask = ~에게 물어보다 / ~에게 부탁하다
I will give it to you next time.
Help me out next time.
Next door = 옆집에 / 옆집으로
A young couple moved in next door.
move in = 이사 들어가다 <=> move out = 이사 나가다
A girl lives next door.
The singer moved in next door.
Next to (명사) = (명사)의 옆에
Oh, Yes ! Come on, Kid ! Stand next to Peter Man.
Stand next to the statue.
I was standing next to the door.
come on ! = 어서 ! / 왜 이래 !
Next year = 내년에 / 다음 해에
I will. I should act fast next year.
I will see you guys next year !
He got married the next year.
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