네. 엄청 바쁜 날이네요.
엘리베이터 좀 잡아 주실 수 있을까요?
Could you hold the elevator for me, Sir?
Sure. You have a lot of packages today, Huh?
Yeah. It's such a busy day for me.
You are a hardworking young man. Here. Drink this.
M Could you hold the elevator for me, Sir?
hold the elevator = 엘리베이터를 잡아주다
hold > held > held
Hold my hand.
Let me hold the elevator for you.
He held the elevator for me.
Let me = (타인을 위해) ~을 해주다 / ~을 할께
Z Sure. You have a lot of packages today, Huh?
a lot of (명사) = lots of (명사) = 많은 (명사)
a lot of (단수/복수 명사) = 셀 수 있는 명사 / 셀수 없는 명사 vs
many (복수명사) = 셀수 있는 명사 vs
much(단수명사) = 셀수 없는 명사
I have a lot of homework today.
She paid a lot of money.
M Yeah. It's such a busy day for me.
such (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사) 한 (명사) = 셀수 있는 명사 앞에 a/an
It's such a chilly day.
You are such a kind person.
It's such good weather.
chilly = 쌀쌀한
Z You are a hardworking young man. Here. Drink this.
hard work = 힘든 일 / 노고
hardworking = 열심히 일하는 vs work hard = 열심히 일하다.
Thank you for your hard work.
Take this money.
Pick me up tonight.
Q 그녀는 날 위해 엘리베이터를 잡지 않았어.
She did not hold the elevator for me.
* More expressions
Such (명사) = 엄청 (명사) / 완전히 (명사)
No. He is such a baby.
You are such a weirdo.
weirdo[wirdou] = 괴짜 / 별난 사람
She is such a liar.
Such (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사) 한 (명사) = 셀수 있는 명사 앞에 a/an
Yeah. It's such a busy day for me.
It's such a chilly day.
You are such a kind person.
It's such good weather.
chilly = 쌀쌀한
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