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왕초보영어 : 직업-채혈(여전히 주사기는 무서워)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 15.

    오, 맙소사. 아플까요?

    네, 저 준비된 거 같아요.


I need to draw some blood from you.

Oh, My God. Is it going to hurt?

Well, It will sting a little bit.

Ok, I think I'm ready.



M I need to draw some blood from you.

   blood = 피  vs  bleed = 피를 흘리다

   draw blood = 피를 뽑다 / (검사를 위해) 채혈하다

   The nurse draw some blood for the test.

   Let me draw some blood.


Z Oh, My God. Is it going to hurt?

   be going to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 할 것이다.

   It is going to hurt.

   Are you going to leave soom?



M Well. It will sting a little bit.

   sting = 따끔하다  > stung > stung

   a little bit = 약간 / 조금  <=>  so much = 엄청 많이

   It's going to hurt a little bit.

   I ate a little bit.


Z Ok, I think I'm ready.

   i think + (평서문) = (평서문) 인 것 같아 / 라고 생각해

   I think I need water.

   I think You are smarter.



Q 비가 올 거야 !

   It is going to rain !