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왕초보영어 : 일상-비치(해변의 도시 샌타모니카)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 14.

샌타모니카에 가 본 적 있어?

거기 차를 가져가야 하나?


Have you been to Santa Monica?

Sure. There are so many shops around the beach.

Should i take my car there?

Just take a taxi. Parking is expensive there.



M Have you been to Santa Monica?

   have been to (명사) = (명사)에 가본 적 있다.

   I have been to LA.

   have you been + to (명사) ? = (명사)에 가본 적 있어?

   Have you been to Rome?

   Have you been to Europe?


Z Sure. There are so many shops around the beach.

   there are (복수명사) = (복수명사) 들이 있어.

   There are so many people at the beach.

   There are drinks on the table.



M Should i take my car there?

   take (명사) = (명사)를 가져가다 / 데려가다

   Take this credit card.

   Take me there, please.

   take 가져가다 / 데려가다  <=>  bring = 가져오다 / 데려오다


Z Just take a taxi.  Parking is expensive there.

   take a taxi = 택시를 이용하다  vs get in a taxi = 택시에 타다

   I just took a taxi.

   I don't want to take a taxi there.



Q 이 가방을 가져가

   Take this bag.