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왕초보영어 : 직업-유투버(좋아하는 인플루언스를 만난다면)

by 가나다미 2024. 4. 24.

맙소사 !  나는 항상 당신 비디오를 봐요 !
당신은 유명인 이잖아요 !
OMG !  I watch your videos all the time !
Thanks for subscribing to my channel !
You are like a celebrity !
No, I'm just an amateur cook with some wit.

M OMG !  I watch your videos all the time !
   all the time = 매번 = regular
   omg = oh my god = 세상에
   He comes to this caf'e all the time.
   She complains all the time.
Z Thanks for subscribing to my channel !
   subscribe + to (명사) = (명사)를 구독하다
   Please subscribe to my channel.
   I subscribed to Mayu's channel.

M You are like a celebrity !
   celebrity = celeb
   like (명사) = (명사) 같은 / 거의 (명사)인
   She is like a singer.
   This is like rubber.
Z No, I'm just an amateur cook with some wit.
   cook = 요리사  vs chef = 주방장
   wit = 위트

Q 그건(그런 일은) 매번 일어나지
   It happens all the time.