이건 내 그림 중 하나예요. 자기예요
내 그리기 실력을 놀리는 거예요?
This is one of my drawings. It's you.
Um... Are you sure this is me?
It doesn't look like me at all.
Are you making fun of my drawing skills?
M This is one of my drawings. It's you.
drawing(펜/연필) vs painting(붓/칠)
one of (복수명사) = (복수명사) 중 하나
Jame is one of my friends.
One of them is a lawyer.
Z Um...Are you sure this is me?
yes, I'm suer this is you.
are you sure + (평서문) ? = (평서문)인 거 확실해?
Are you sure she knew your name?
Are you sure this is right address?
Z It doesn't look like me at all...
at all = 조금 vs not at all = 전혀
look like (명사) = (명사)처럼 생기다, (명사)와 닮다
She looks like a little bird.
You look like your brother.
M Are you making fun of my drawing skills?
skill = 기술 / 실력
make fun + of (목적어) = (목적어)를 놀리다
make fun(의도적 놀림) vs tease(가벼운 놀림)
Don't make fun of my name.
They made fun of me.
Q 너 날 놀리고 있는 거니?
Are you making fun of me?
'영어회화' 카테고리의 다른 글
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