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왕초보영어 : 가정-픽업(우린 최고의 팀이죠)

by 가나다미 2024. 4. 23.

여보, 마유 좀 어린이집에서 픽업할 수 있어요?

나 대신해 줘서 고마워요.


Honey, Can you pick up Mayu from the nursery?

Sure. I can pick him up at around 6.

Thanks for doing it for me.

Don't thank me. It's a team effort, right.



M Honey, Can you pick up Mayu from the nursery?

   nursery = 어린이집  vs  kinder garten = 유치원

   pick up (목적어) + fron (명사) = (목적어)를 (명사)에게 픽업하다.

   Pick up Piter from the hotel.

   I picked him up from the supermarket.

   pick up  <=>  drop off

Z Sure. I can pick him up at around 6.

   at (시간) = (시간)에

   I woke up at 2.

   They arrived at around 5.



M Thanks for doing it for me.

   do = 하다,   여기서 do = pick him up

   thanks + for (~ing) = (~ing) 해 줘서 고마워.

   Thanks for staying.

   Thanks for helping my brother.

Z Don't thank me. It's a team effort, right.

   thanks (목적어) = (목적어)에게 고마워하다.

   Thanks your mom and dad.

   I should thank her.

   appreciate > thanks

   Thank you. I appreciate it.



Q 나에게 영어를 가르쳐 줘서 고마워.

   Thanks for teaching me English.