영어회화272 왕초보영어(제2404회) : 일상-강아지를 입양한 멋진 친구 강아지 키우게 됐다며 !어, 보호소에서 입양했어.잘됐다 ! 이름이 뭔데?강심이라고 지었어. I heard you got a dog !Yeah, We adopted her from shelter.Good for you ! What's her name?I named her Gangshim. M I heard you got a dog ! dog = 개 / 강아지, dog vs duck I heard + (평서문) = (평서문) 이러며 / (평서문)이라고 들었어 I heard you got a promotion ! I heard she lives in Korea. Z Yeah, We adopted her from shelter. adopt = 입양하다 / (아이디어등을) 채택하다 Ad.. 2025. 3. 4. 왕초보영어(제2403회) : 가정-개학 첫날부터 쪽지 시험? 학교 첫날 어땠니?끔찍했어요. 쪽지 시험 있었어요.말도 안 돼 ! 첫날에?뭐, 적어도 시험에 A는 받았어요. How was your first day at school?It was terrible. We had a pop quiz.No way ! On the first day?Well, At least I got an A on it. M How was your first day at school? first day = 첫날 How was (명사)? = (명사)는 어땠니? How was your food? How was your first day at work? Z It was terrible. We had a pop quiz. terrible = 끔찍한 / 형편없는 Have a.. 2025. 3. 4. 왕초보영어(제2402회) : 여행-가성비 좋은 이탈리안 식당 호텔 근처에 괜찮은 식당 좀 아세요?길 건너에 진짜 괜찮은 이태리 식당 있어요.식당 이름이 뭔데요?Mayu Italia라고 하는데, 음식도 저렴해요. Do you know any good restaurants near the Hotel?There is a great Italian restaurant across the street.What is the place called?It's called Mayu Italia, and there food is affordable. M Do you know any good restaurants near the Hotel? restaurant = 식당 Near (명사) = (명사) 근처에 near = around Do you know any museu.. 2025. 2. 28. 왕초보영어(제2401회) : 관계-친구의 졸업식을 놓쳐 버렸다 졸업식 놓쳐 미안해, 친구.괜찮아. 바쁜 거 알고 있었어.만회하고 싶은데.진짜로 별일 아니야. I'm sorry I missed your graduation, dude.It's okay, I knew you were busy.I want to make it up to you.Seriously, It's no big deal. M I'm sorry I missed your graduation, dude. graduation = 졸업 / 졸업식 sorry = 마음이 안 좋은 / 미안한 I am sorry + (평서문) = (평서문)이라 미안해. I am sorry I wasn't there. I am sorry I pushed you. dude = 친구 = buddy = mate = .. 2025. 2. 28. 왕초보영어(제2400회) : 직업-성공한 사업가의 조언 사업가로서 선생님을 존경해요.조언 좀 해 주실 수 있을까요?항상 인내를 가지고 절대 배우는 걸 멈추지 마세요.열정이 있다면, 돈은 자연스레 찾아올 겁니다. I admire you as a businessman.Could you give me some advice?Always be patient and never stop learning.If you have passion, the money will come naturally. M I admire you as a businessman. admire = (진심으로) 존경하다 / 존중하다 vs respect = (인정의 의미) 존경하다 As (명사) = (명사)로서 I admire you as a teacher. I am saying this.. 2025. 2. 26. 왕초보영어(제2399회) : 일상-할머니 오시는데 방 안 치울거야 방 치웠어?아직요. 이 게임부터 끝내야 돼요.게임 꺼. 30분 있다가 할머니 오셔.제방 그렇게 너저분하진 않아요, 엄마... Did you tidy up your room?Not yet. I need to finish this game first.Turn it off. Grandma's coming in 30 minutes.My room is not that messy, Mom.... M Did you tidy up your room? room = 방 Tidy up (명사) = (명사)를 치우다 clean up > tidy up(= 정리하다) Tidy up your room. We tidied up the house. Z Not yet. I need to finish this game.. 2025. 2. 25. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 46 다음