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왕초보영어(제2371회) : 관계-헤어 지고도 이런 게 가능해?

by 가나다미 2025. 1. 16.

아직도 미유랑 연락해?

응. 계가 가끔 나한테 전화해.

그렇지만 너희 수년 전에 헤어졌잖아.

응, 그리도 우린 여전히 좋은 친구야.


Do you still talk to Miyu?

Yeah. She calls me from time to time.

But you guys broke up years ago.

Yeah, but we are still good friends.



M Do you still talk to Miyu?

   still = 여전히 / 아직도 vs(발음) steal = 훔치다

   Talk + to (목적어) = (목적어)와 얘기하다 / 연락하다

   I still talk to Glenn.

   Talk to my manager.

   talk to > talk with


Z Yeah. She calls me from time to time.

   call = 전화하다 / 연락하다

   From time to time = 가끔씩

   = sometimes = every now and then

   <=> often = 자주

   I think about her from time to time.

   I visit them from time to time.



M But you gays broke up years ago.

   years = 수년간, months = 수개월, hours =수시간

   Break up = 헤어지다 = split up

   We finally broke up.

   She broke up with Alex.


Z Yeah, but we are still good friends.

   friend = 친구

   But = ~ 이지만 / 그래도

   Yeah, but she is really nice.

   I know, but he is not my type.


Q 우린 여전히 서로 연락해.

   We still talk to each other.



*  More expressions


Talk + to (목적어) = (목적어)와 얘기하다 / 연락하다

I talked to them nicely.

   nicely = (부사) 좋게

Talk to my manage.

I talked to her for 10 minutes.

Maybe I should talk to the manager.

Talk to her boss.

Can i talk to your daughter?

Do you still talk to Miyu?

   still = 여전히 / 아직도 vs(발음) steal = 훔치다

I still talk to Glenn.

Talk to my manager.

   talk to > talk with

We still talk to each other.


Break up + with (목적어) = (목적어)와 헤어지다 = split up(무거움)

Break up = 헤어지다 = split up

I think he recently broke up with his girlfriend.

Break up with your boyfriend !

I broke up with the cheater.

Olivia broke up with me.  I'm so depressed.

   depressed = 우울함을 느끼는  vs  depressing = 우울감을 주는

I broke up with my boyfriend.

Please don't break up with me?

But you gays broke up years ago.

   years = 수년간, months = 수개월, hours =수시간

We finally broke up.

She broke up with Alex.


But = 하지만 / ~이지만 / 그래도

I'll try, but I can't be sure.

   sure = 확신하는

She apologized, but I'm still mad.

It looks good, but It's too expensive.

I am not angry(sure)  vs  I can't be angry(sure)

Yeah, but we are still good friends.

   friend = 친구

Yeah, but she is really nice.

I know, but he is not my type.