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왕초보영어(제2299회) : 일상-투자 공부도 좀 해야겠어

by 가나다미 2024. 10. 8.

투자에 대해 좀 알아?

음, 난 주식에 투자해.

나도 주식 거래하는 법 배워야겠어.

내가 가르쳐 줄 수는 있는데, 쉽진 않아.


Do you know anything about investing?

Well, I invest in stocks.

I should learn how to trade stocks, too.

I can teach you, but It's not easy.


M Do you know anything about investing?

   invest = (동사) 투자하다,  investing = (명사) 투자

   Do you know anything + about (명사) ? = 너 (명사)에 대해 아는 것 있어? / 쫌 알아?

   Do you know anything about this?

   Do you know anything about cars?

   I don't know anything about computers.


Z Well, I invest in stocks.

   stock = 주식

   invest + in (명사) = (명사)에 투자하다,  invest to (x)

   I invest in real estate.

   real estate = 부동산

   She invested in Mayu company.


M I should learn how to trade stocks, too.

   how to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하는 법

   I know how to fix it.

   Teach me how to dance well.

   I should learn how to speak English.


Z I can teach you, but It's not easy.

   teach > taught > taught

   but ~ = ~인데 / ~이지만

   Kelly is small, but she is strong.

   I like apples, but he likes oranges.


Q 나는 고음으로 노래하는 법을 배웠어

   I learned how to sing high.


*  More expressions


But //

, But (평서문) = 하지만 (평서문)이다 / (평서문)~인데 / (평서문) ~이지만

I bought these earphones here yesterday, but they don't work.

   work = 일하다 작동하다.

I tried, but I failed.

It's not easy, but I will try.

We are close, but We are different.

You can take the burger, but We don't have a container for the soup.

You can go, but I will stay here.

I like fried chicken, but She doesn't (like it).

I can teach you, but It's not easy.

   teach > taught > taught

Kelly is small, but she is strong.

I like apples, but he likes oranges.


How is/are (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때 ?

How is my leg, Doctor?  Is it bad?

How is my foot?

How are my fingers?

I know !  How's everything?

How is your life?

How are your legs?

I know ! = 내 말이 (그 말이야) / 아, 생각났다


How was (명사)? = (명사)는 어땠어?

Hey, son. How was your soccer practice?

How was your date?

How was the job interview?

How was school today?

How was blind date?

How was the party?


How about (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

That sounds interesting. How about physics?

   physics[fiziks] = 물리학,  biology[baialedzi] = 생물학

How about roses?

How about Thursday?

How about next week friday?

How about Hajoon?  It's a good name.

How about Sebastian?

How about Friday afternoom?


How come (평서문) ? = 어째서 (평서문) 이야?

How come you are still mad at me?

   angry > mad > upset

How come you are late?

How come you hate me?

How come she didn't invite me?


How could you (동사원형) ? = 어떻게 (동사원형) 할 수 있어?

How could you eat without me?

How could you forget my name?

How could you betray me?

How could you lie to me?


How do you like (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

So, How do you like your new job?

   = How is your new job?

How do you like your food?

How do you like your new home?

How do you like your new car?


How many (복수명사) ? = (복수명사) 몇 개 / 얼마나 ?

How many miles do i have?

How many hours do we have?

How many stores does he owe?

Sure. How many cans do you want?

   can = 캔  vs bottle = 병

How many bottles do you want?

How many children did you bring?

How many miles do i have on my account?

   e-mail account = 이메일 계정,  bank account = 은행 계좌

   on one's account = ~의 계정에 / ~의 계좌에

How many classes are you taking?

How many pages did you read?

How many hours did you sleep?


How much is/are (명사) ? = (명사)는 얼마예요 ?

How much is praking here.

How much are these socks?

How much is everything?

How much are these earrings?

Parking lot = 주차장,  Parking sopt = 주차 자리


How much is/was it to (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하는데 얼마예요?

How much is it to borrow a wheelchair?

   borrow = 빌리다  vs  lend = 빌려주다

How much is it to get a haircut?

How much is it to borrow this coffee machine?

How much is it to use this copier?

How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?

How much is it to wash my car?

How much was it to move it?


How old is/are (주어) ? = (주어)는 몇 살이야?

How old is she?

How old is your sister?

How old are they?


How to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하는 법

I should learn how to trade stocks, too.

I know how to fix it.

Teach me how to dance well.

I should learn how to speak English.

I learned how to sing high.