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왕초보영어(제2294회) : 일상-영국에서 온 친구 Peter

by 가나다미 2024. 10. 1.

영국으로 여행 가고 싶어.

날 믿어 너 거기 엄청 마음에 들 거야.

아, 맞다 !  너 영국에서 왔지?

응. 거기 친구들이 그립네.


I want to go on a trip to England.

Trust me. You'll love it there

Oh, yeah !  You're from the UK, right?

Yup. I miss my friends back there.



M I want to go on a trip to England.

   go on a trip = 영행을 가다 = take a trip

   Let's go on a trip !

   We went on a trip to London.

   go on a picnic = 피크닉(소풍)을 가다


Z Trust me. You'll love it there.

   love it there / here = 거기가 / 여기가 엄청 마음에 들다

   Your parents will love it there.

   I love it here.  <=>  I hate it here.



M Oh, Yeah !  You're from the UK, right?

   from (명사) = (명사)에서 온 / (명사) 출신인

   I am from Korea.

   My wife is from Seattle.

   Are you from Taiwan?


Z Yup. I miss my friends back there.

   miss (명사) = (명사)가 그립다 / (명사)가 보고 싶다

   I miss my son.

   Don't you miss those days?


Q 우리 시드니로 여행 갔어.

   We went on a trip to Sydney.



*  More expressions


From (명사) = (명사)에서 온 / (명사) 출신인

Hi, I'm Bongpal. I'm from Korea.

I'm from Brazil.

Carlos is from Mexico.

Oh, Yeah !  You're from the UK, right?

I am from Korea.

My wife is from Seattle.

Are you from Taiwan?


Go //

To Go = 가기 위한 = 포장인

Is it for here or to go?

Is it to go?

It is to go.


Go back + to (명사) = (명사)로 돌아가다.

Mayu is going back to America.

   America = the U.S. = the US

I am going back to Korea.

Go back to chapter 1.


Go easy + on (목적어) = (목적어)를 살살 대하다

   go easy <=> go hard

Ok, Please go easy on me.

Go easy on the new guy.

Please, Go easy on my back.

You are a big fan of coffee. Go easy on it.


Go on a trip = 영행을 가다 = take a trip

I want to go on a trip to England.

Let's go on a trip !

We went on a trip to London.

   go on a picnic = 피크닉(소풍)을 가다


Go to bed = Go to sleep = 잠자리에 들다

Go to bed already.  It's 9 o'clock.

Go to bed before 10 o'clock.

I went to bed too late.

I went to bed early.


Go to collage = 대학에 진학하다 / 대학에 다니다

Sanghoon is going to collage soon.

I don't want to go to college.

Mary couldn't go to college.


Go to the bank = 은행에 가다

Let me go to the bank tomorrow.

I have to go to the bank.

I couldn't go to the bank.

   let me = 부더러운 표현  vs  i will = 강한 의지


Go (~ing) = ~ 하러 가다.

Oh, my God ! I should go shopping today.

Let's go sking tomorrow.

We want fishing in Busan.


Love it there / here = 거기가 / 여기가 엄청 마음에 들다

Trust me. You'll love it there.

Your parents will love it there.

I love it here.  <=>  I hate it here.


Love with (목적어) = (목적어) 와 사랑

be in Love with (목적어) = (목적어) 와 사랑에 빠져있다.

I'm in love with my best friend's sister.

   best friend = 베프 / 가장 친한 친구 = BFF

   be in love(상태) vs fall in love(행위)

   I love you(포괄적) vs I am in love with(연인)

We are in love with each other.

I am in love with her.