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왕초보영어 : 여행-메뉴(유럽 식당을 갈 수도 있으니)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 10.

영어로 된 메뉴 있나요?

이거 맛있어 보이는데요. 안에 뭐가 들어가죠?


Do you have a menu in English?

No, We don't. But you can just ask me.

This one looks good. What's in it?

It's our signature soup. There's seafood in it.



M Do you have a menu in English?

   in (언어) = (언어)로 된.

   Do you have menu in Korean?

   I read a book in English.


Z No, We don't. But you can just ask me.

   can (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해도 된다.

   You can use the bathroom.

   They can stay longer.



M This one looks good. What's in it?

   good = delicious

   look (형용사) = (형용사) 해 보이다.

   They look strict.

   It looks difficult.

   What's in it? = 그 안에 뭐가 들어가 있죠?

   What's in the sandwich?

   What's in the soup?


Z It's our signature soup. There's seafood in it.

   signature (명사) = 고유의 (명사) / 시거니쳐 (명사)

   That's signature logo.

   This is our signature food.



Q 네 아기는 귀여워 보여.

   Your baby looks cute.