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왕초보영어 : 관계-승진(부장님의 큰 그림인가)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 7.

부장님이 날 싫어하는 거 같아.

항상 너무 많은 일거리로 스트레스를 줘.


I think my boss hates me.

He always stresses me out with too much work.

It's because you are smart.

Who knows?  He might give you a promotion.



M I think my boss hates me.

   hate = 싫어하다

   i think + (평서문) = (평서문) 인 것 같아

   I think it's your destiny.

   I think it's true.


M He always stresses me out with too much work.

   stress (목적어) out = (목적어)에게 스트레스를 주다

   This project really stresses me out.

   What is stressing you out?

   get stressed out = 스트레스 받다.



Z It's because you are smart.

   because (평서문) = (평서문) 해서 / 이니까 / 이기 때문에

   It's because we love you.

   I lied because i was scared.


Z Who knows?  He might give you a promotion.

   give (목적어) a promotion = (목적어)를 승진시키다

   The CEO gave me a promotion.

   They had better give me a promotion.

   give someone a raise = 봉급을 인상해 주다.

   who knows ? = Nobody knows



Q 내 숙제가 나한테 스트레스를 주고 있어

   My homework is stressing me out.