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왕초보영어 : 일상-그사이에 사장님이 된 친구

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 30.

그사이에 사장님이 된 친구

어떻게 지내, Peter?  오랜만이다 !

사실. 나 최근에 이 근처에 미용실 열었어.


What's up, Peter?  It has been forever !

I know !  How's everything?

Actually. I recently opened a hair salon down the street.

No way !  Let me have your business card, Man.



M What's up, Peter?  It has been forever !

   what's up? = 어떻게 지내? / 무슨 일이야?

   forever = 엄청 오랜 기간 = a long time.

   It's been (기간) = It has been (기간) = (기간)이 지났어. / (기간)이 됐어.

   It's been 30 minutes !

   It's been a long time.


Z I know !  How's everything?

   How is / are (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

   How is your life?

   How are your legs?

   I know ! = 내 말이 (그 말이야) / 아, 생각났다



M Actually. I recently opened a hair salon down the street.

   down the street = 근처에

   down = (길 / 강....)을 따라서

   There is nail shop down the street.

   I live right down the street.

   actually = 사실 ( 새로운 사실 추가..)


Z No way !  Let me have your business card, Man.

   business card > Name card

   no way ! = 말도 안 돼!


Q 나 바로 근처에서 일해

   I work right down the street.



 *  More expressions


How (질문어순) ? = 어떻게 (질문어순) 이야? / 이니?

How did you know that?

How did you climb the tree?

How do you know my name?

How did you sleep, sweetness?

How do you eat your cookies?

How did you do on the test?

How did you test your exam?

How can i open this?

How did you meet your wife?

How did you solve the quiz?

How did you learn English?

How did you know Mike?

Wow !  How did you know that?

How did you get here?

How do you speak English so well?

   know = 알다 / 알고 있다.

   get = (장소 / 위치에) 도착하다 / 이르다.

How did you find me.

How do yo do that? I envy you.

   I jealous of you > I envy you.

How do i memorize this?

How can i find her?

How do they know you?


How is/are (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때 ?

How is my leg, Doctor ?  Is it bad ?

How is my foot ?

How are my fingers ?

I know !  How's everything?

How is your life?

How are your legs?

I know ! = 내 말이 (그 말이야) / 아, 생각났다


How was (명사)? = (명사)는 어땠어?

Hey, son. How was your soccer practice?

How was your date?

How was the job interview?

How was school today?

How was blind date?

How was the party?


How about (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

That sounds interesting. How about physics?

   physics[fiziks] = 물리학,  biology[baialedzi] = 생물학

How about roses?

How about Thursday?

How about next week friday?


How come (평서문) ? = 어째서 (평서문) 이야?

How come you are still mad at me?

   angry > mad > upset

How come you are late?

How come you hate me?

How come she didn't invite me?


How could you (동사원형) ? = 어떻게 (동사원형) 할 수 있어?

How could you eat without me?

How could you forget my name?

How could you betray me?

How could you lie to me?


How do you like (명사) ? = (명사)는 어때?

So, How do you like your new job?

   = How is your new job?

How do you like your food?

How do you like your new home?

How do you like your new car?


How many (복수명사) ? = (복수명사) 몇개 / 얼마나 ?

How many miles do i have ?

How many hours do we have ?

How many stores does he owe ?

Sure. How many cans do you want?

   can = 캔  vs bottle = 병

How many bottles do you want?

How many children did you bring?


How much is/are (명사) ? = (명사)는 얼마예요 ?

How much is praking here.

How much are these socks ?

How much is everything ?

How much are these earrings ?

Parking lot = 주차장,  Parking sopt = 주차 자리


How much is/was it to (동사원형) ? = (동사원형) 하는데 얼마예요?

How much is it to borrow a wheelchair?

   borrow = 빌리다  vs  lend = 빌려주다

How much is it to get a haircut?

How much is it to borrow this coffee machine?

How much is it to use this copier?

How much is it to move a queen-sized bed?

How much is it to wash my car?

How much was it to move it?