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왕초보영어 : 관계-뭐야... 자랑하는 거야.

by 가나다미 2024. 7. 18.

네 첫사랑 기억나?

아니. 여자 친구가 너무 많았어서.


Do you remember your first love?

Yeah. Her name is Wendy. We met in college.

What about you? Do you remember yours?

Nah. I've had too many girlfriends.



M Do you remember your first love?

   Do you remember (명사) ? = (명사) 기억나?

   Do you remember your first dog?

   Do you remember my birthday?


Z Yeah. Her name was Wendy. We met in college.

   in college = 대학에서

   I majored in chemistry college.

   She was popular in college.

   in high school = 고등학교에서



M What about you? Do you remember yours?

   what about you ? = 넌 어때?

   What about you do you agree?

   What about you do you remember him?


Z Nah. I've had too many girlfriends.

   girlfriend = 여자친구

   Nope > No > Nah

   too many (복수명사) = 너무 많은 (복수명사)들

   There were too many people.

   I have too many questions.

   many = 셀 수 있는 명사 vs much = 셀수 없는 명사


Q 너 그 날짜 기억나?

   Do you remember the date?



 *  More expressions


In (나라 / 주 / 도시) = (나라 / 주 / 도시)에 있는

Go to the korean consulate in New York City

Visit their office in Seoul.

Stop by our factory in seattle.


In (명사) = (명사)를 입은 / 신은 / 쓴 = wearing

Who's that guy in the white sneakers?

   sneaker = 운동화

Who's that girl in the yellow skirt?

Do you know that lady in the black pants?

Who's that girl in the pink shirt?


In college = 대학에서

Yeah. Her name was Wendy. We met in college.

I majored in chemistry college.

She was popular in college.

   in high school = 고등학교에서


In (시간/기간) = (시간/기간) 있다가

Ok, the fries will be ready in 5 minutes.

I will be ready in 30 minutes.

I can see you in an hour.

   in = 꽉 채운 시간  vs  within = ~ 전에

It will begin in 15 minutes.

   begin = start = 시작하다.

The show will begin in 30 minutes.

I'll be there in 3 weeks.


In (언어) = (언어)로 된.

Do you have a menu in English?

Do you have menu in Korean?

I read a book in English.


In years = 수년간 / 수년 동안

Nah, We haven't talked in years.

   talk = 애기하다

I haven't seen Jerry in years.

She hasn't called me in years.

   in years(수년간 한 번도 아닌, 부정문과)  vs  for years(수년간 계속, 긍정문과)


What (동사) ? = 뭐가 (동사) 하니?

Oh, No. You're bleeding. What happened?

   bleed = (동사) 피를 흘리다  vs  blood = (명사) 피

What will happen?

What caused it?

What happened to you?


What (명사) ? = 무슨 (명사)를 ?

What game are you playing, Peter ?

What program are you watching ?

What color do you want ?

   play = 게임 / 스포츠를 하다,  Play a video game / Play soccer.


What (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사)한 (명사) 네 !

What a fancy car? It looks expensive !

   expensive = 비싼 <=> cheap = 저렴한

What a weird dream !

What depressing weather !

What a great idea !


What (질문어순) ? = 무엇을 (질문어순) 이니?

What do you do there?

What did you see there?

What can i do?


What's up = 무슨 일이야(up=뭔가 벌어지고 있는일) = what's wrong = what's happening

What's up, honey ?

You look upset, What's up ?

What's up ? Are you okay ?


What about you ? = 넌 어때?

What about you? Do you remember yours?

What about you do you agree?

What about you do you remember him?


What are you (~ing) = 넌 뭘 (~ing) 해

What are you doing tomorrow ?

What are you doing on Friday ?

What are you watching with her ?

What are you doing tonight ?


What 관사 (형용사) (명사) = 엄청 (형용사)한 (명사)네

What a cute dog !  Is that a boy or a girl ?

cute = adorable = 귀여운

What a gorgeous day !

What an interesting story !


What do you look for + in (명사) = (명사)에게서 뭘 중요하게 생각하니? / 어떤 점을 보니?

What do you look for in a guy?

What do you look for in a girl?

What do you look for in a smartphone?


What do you mean? = 무슨 말이야?

What do you mean? You have so many clothes.

What do you mean? Are you sick?

What do you mean? You are handsome !

What do you mean? = what are you talking about? = what are you saying?


What do you think + about (명사)? = (명사)에 대해 어떻게 생각해?

What do you think about international marriages?

   marriage = 결혼 생활  vs  wedding = 결혼식

What do you think about me?

What do you think about our English program?


What if (평서문) = (평서문)이면 어떡해? / 어떡할 거야?

What if she is not there?

What if he has no money?

What if he want to live in America?


What time (질문어순)? = 명시에 (질문어순)이니?

What time should we neet you?

   when = 날짜 / 시간  vs  what time = 시간

What time do you go to work?

What time can you come?

When did you arrive?

What time did you get up?


What year (질문어순) ? = 몇 년도에 (질문어순)이니?

Mom, What year did the Korean War begin?

   war = 전쟁  <=>  peace = 평화

What year did you graduate?

What year did you move to America?