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왕초보영어 : 일상-폭우(초보 운전에게 비는 쥐약이야)

by 가나다미 2024. 6. 18.

아, 이런. 나 오늘 차 써야 하는데.

그렇지만 겁이 나. 나 초보 운전이라...


Look out the window !  It's pouring outside !

Oh, No.  I have to use a car today.

But I'm scared. I'm a beginner driver....

Just take a taxi. It's not safe.



M Look out the window !  It's pouring outside !

   pour = 붓다 / (비가) 쏟아지다   vs raining hard

   pour = 쏟아지다 vs poor = 불쌍한  : 동일 발음

   look out (명사) = (명사) 밖을 보다.

   She looked out the window.

   Look out the door.


Z Oh, No. I have to use a car today.

   use = 사용하다 vs use = 사용

   have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야만 한다.

   I have to borrow some tools.

   Do you have to go to work?



Z But I'm scared. I'm a beginner driver...

   scare = 겁먹은  vs scary = 겁먹게 하는 / 무서운

   be (형용사) =(형용사) 하다

   I am not scared.

   The water is deep.

M Just take a taxi. It's not safe.

   safe = 안전한 <=> dangerous = 위험한

   take a taxi = 택시를 타다 / 택시를 이용하다, take a bus

   I took a taxi to go there.

   Why did you take a taxi?


Q 우린 그의 사무실에 들러야 해

   We have to stop by his office.




 *  More expressions


Have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야만 한다.

Will Have to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야 할 것이다.

Ok. I guess I'll have to wait.

You will have to coll their office.

She will have to come back later.

   i guess (평서문) = (평서문) 인가 보네.

We will have to do it again.

Oh, No. I have to use a car today.

   use = 사용하다 vs use = 사용

I have to borrow some tools.

Do you have to go to work?

We have to stop by his office.


Take a taxi(bus) = 택시(버스)를 타다 / 택시(버스)를 이용하다

   get in a taxi = 택시에 타다

Just take a taxi.  Parking is expensive there.

I just took a taxi.

I don't want to take a taxi there.

Just take a taxi. It's not safe.

   safe = 안전한 <=> dangerous = 위험한

I took a taxi to go there.

Why did you take a taxi?