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왕초보영어 : 가정-변호사(미래의 사위를 환영합니다)

by 가나다미 2024. 6. 10.

그래서, 자네 직업은 뭔가?  아직 학생인가?

그럼, 직업이 있겠구만.


So, What do you do?  Are you still a student?

No, Sir. I graduated a long time ago.

You must have a job, then.

I'm a lawyer. I have an office in LA.



M So, What do you do? Are you still a student?

   what do/does (주어) do? = (주어)는 직업이 뭐야? > what's your job?

   What does your husband do?

   What do they do?


Z No, Sir. I graduated a long time ago.

   graduate = 졸업하다 / 졸업생

   a long time ago = 오래전에 / 한참 전에

   We dated a long time ago.

   Your friend left a long time ago.



M You must have a job, then.

   job = 직업(생계수단/돈벌이)  vs  career = 케리어(전체적인 기간)

   must (동사원형) = 분명 (동사원형) 할 거야 / 하겠구나

   You must know Mayu, then.

   She must have some money.


Z I'm a lawyer. I have an office in LA.

   lawyer = 변호사 > attorney

   in (나라/주/도시) = (나라 / 주 / 도시)에 (서)

   I have a house in New Jersey.

   She goes to school in Seoul.



Q Andrew는 분명히 아이가 있을 거야.

   Andrew nust have a baby.