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왕초보영어 : 편식(당근을 어떻게 먹어라고)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 6.

음식을 가리면 안 돼 !

건강에 좋단다.  먹기 시작하렴.


I don't want to eat carrots !

You can't be picky about food !

They taste weird, Mom.

It is good for your health. Start eating.



M I don't want to eat carrots !

   carrot = 당근

   don't want to (동사원형) = (동사원형) 하고 싶지 않다.

   I don't want to give up !

   She doesn't want to come !


Z You can't be picky about food !

   picky + about (명사) = (명사)를 가리다 / (명사)에 대해 까다롭다

   She is picky about food.

   Don't be picky about food !

   can't = 할 수 없어 / 하면 안 돼.

  You can't lie to me !



M They taste weird, Mom.

   weird = 괴상한 / 이상한  >  strange

   bitter = 쓴

   taste (형용사) = (형용사) 한 맛이 나다 / 맛이 (형용사) 하다

   The coffee tastes bitter.

   It tastes sweet.


Z It is good for your health. Start eating.

   health = 건강  vs  healthy = 건강한

   start (~ing) = (~ing) 하기 시작하다.

   Let's start eating, folks.

   He started coughing.



Q 그들은 울기 시작했어

   They start crying.