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왕초보영어 : 여행-셔틀(동물원에 가는 셔틀)

by 가나다미 2024. 5. 5.

실례지만 샌디에이고 동물원이 어느 쪽이죠?

고마워요 !  달려야겠네요.


Excuse me, Which way is San Diego Zoo?

It's this way.  Take that yellow shuttle.

It will take you all the way to the Zoo.

Thanks !  I think i should run.



M Excuse me, Which way is San Diego Zoo?

   which way is (명사) ? = (명사)는 어느 쪽이죠?

   Which way is the lobby?

   Which way is the gas station?


Z It's this way. Take that yellow shuttle.

   shuttle = 셔틀

   take (명사) = (명사)를 이용하다

   Take taxi.

   Did you take bus?



Z It will take you all the way to the zoo.

   Take me to the hospital.

   Peter took me to the park.

   all the way = 멀리 / 쭉

   I walked all the way to Gangnam.

   She flew all the way to Italy.


M Thanks !  I think I should run.

   run > ran > run

   should (동사원형) = (동사원형) 해야겠다.

   I should go.

   We should be careful.



Q 화장실이 어느 쪽이죠?

   Which way is the restroom?